Caesarean delivery in simple language is delivery of the baby through an abdominal surgery. With a gynaecologist like Dr Radha Agartaniya this is never the first choice of delivery. At Matritva Clinic in Greater Noida Dr Radha Agarataniya will try her best not to go for the caesarean delivery till the time normal delivery is not possible and may lead to problems for child or mother. In a caesarean section your gynaecologist will give incision just above the pubic area to expose the uterus and another incision in uterus to take out the baby. In case of planned caesarean delivery the incision is given horizontally whereas in case of an emergency caesarean the incision is vertical. Vertical incision helps the gynaecologist to reach baby faster. This condition mainly arises when the baby is in distress or the mother already had a prolonged labour and the aminotic fluid has reduced over the period causing distress to child. The stay in hospital in case of a caesarean delivery is for about 2-3 days. Stitches if stapler are removed in 10 days time and if they are dissolvable then nothing needs to be done. Complete healing takes about 2-3 weeks.


Dr Radha will suggest you for the caesarean delivery only when there is no way that a normal delivery can be done. The most common reason for a casesarean delivery is baby having loops of umblical cord around the neck. This is seen in the ultrasounds done when the delivery is approaching full term. Another reason is that the baby is in breech position. For a normal delivery to happen head of the baby has to be downwards but when the head is up then it is called breech postion. Another very common reason that is being seen these days is the insistence of family to have delivery at a particular time which takes out the possibility of normal delivery. Sometimes before the full term of pregnancy baby may pass meconium which can lead to an emergency like situation forcing gynaecologist to go for an emergency c section with an aim to take out baby as soon as possible. Other medical reasons are heavier baby weight, mother's small pelvis, chronic conditions of the mother, multiple babies, prolonged labour, foetal distress etc.

